Running a Club
- Can my Club's students use tablets?
- What are best practices for recruiting Club members?
- Can I change locations after I have started the Club?
- Where can I find the Clubs curriculum?
- Are Clubs allowed to meet virtually?
- What support does Girls Who Code provide for Clubs that are meeting virtually?
- What are best practices that Girls Who Code recommends when utilizing virtual meetings?
- Can we create a social media profile or group for our Club?
- How can we share relevant passages from the Girls Who Code books with our 3-5th grade Club members who do not have copies of the book at home?
- How do I renew an existing Club?
- I’m a returning 3rd-5th Grade Club. Where do I start?
- I’m a new 3rd-5th Grade Club. Where do I start?
- Why is GWC no longer recommending Replit for Clubs?
- Which coding platforms do you recommend for 6-12th Clubs?
- What is included in the 3-5th grade curriculum? How do I use these resources to plan my Club?
- What is the difference between 3rd-5th grade and 6th-12th grade Clubs?
- I’m a returning 3rd-5th Grade Club and we’ve already read through Learn to Code and Change the World. Is there something new we can do?