Visit HQ. Click on the program type you are involved with, or click Explore HQ as a Visitor. Log in or sign up for an HQ account. Click on Project Gallery, and then click on the Submit Your Project button.
There are three steps to the project submission form.
Step 1: Project Info
First, add at least one image in order to submit your project. The first image you upload will be the cover image displayed with your project in the Gallery. Then, give it a title that will help it stand out in the Project Gallery.
Copy the link to your Project & Code: Optionally, share the link if you created your project online. There are two fields for sharing the link. One is for the live version of the webpage, and the other is for a link to your code.
Step 2: Program & Team
Next, verify the program for which you completed the project. Optionally, add additional contributors. If this project was a team effort, you can include all of your teammates here. Then, write a short description. It can include information about your team, why you chose the topic, and describe challenges you faced while creating it.
Step 3: Project Tags
Adding tags for your project topic will help people easily find your work. You may select multiple options for project type, language, or topics.
Project type: (Required) This lets the community know if you made a game, an app, a website, or something else.
Programming language(s): This lets others know which programming language(s) you used. Eg: HTML, CSS, and/or Javascript
Topics(s): Select themes you explored in your project. For example, is it about art, travel, or women's rights?
GWC Challenge: Toggle on or off to indicate if this project is for a Club Challenge.
After you are done, click Submit.
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