Facilitators should visit HQ, click 3rd-12th Clubs, then log into their account. Then, click on your program card from the My Programs page. From the navigation menu, select Program Info, and then scroll to the Facilitators section where approved Facilitators for the Club are listed. Select
Add Facilitators. Decide if you need to invite a new Facilitator by sending an email or add a Facilitator from another program.
To invite a new Facilitator that has not been a GWC Facilitator before, the primary Facilitator should select Send Email Invites. You can enter the emails of the new Facilitator(s) separated by a line break, then press Invite.
To invite a new Facilitator that has been a GWC Facilitator before, choose, Add From Another Program. Select past programs and click on any Facilitators you'd like to add to your new Club.
NOTE: Occasionally, a Facilitator will need to complete a new background check. In these situations, they will need to fill out a new application.
If you have questions, please email us at hq@girlswhocode.com.
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