If you are having trouble accessing the Girls Who Code website, please provide your IT administrator the below list of sites to allow access or unblock:
- GWC: https://www.girlswhocode.com
- Clubs HQ: http://clubs-hq.girlswhocode.com (For Clubs Only)
- HQ: https://hq.girlswhocode.com
- YouTube
- We recommend that students have access to all of YouTube in case they want to search for additional tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/
- If you cannot give access to all of YouTube, please unblock the GWC Curriculum channel on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3chlkg_aEFgDcHRy57vo8w
- Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/
- Scratch: https://scratch.mit.edu/
- See this FAQ doc
- CodeHS (link to entry on CodeHS website)
- *.codehs.com (codehs.com and all subdomains)
- *.codehs.me (codehs.me and all subdomains)
- scalinghub.codehs.com
- https://cdn.jsdelivr.net
- Google-related:
- You can also unblock the CodeHS Google Workspace Domain to allow students to open Drive files from the CodeHS Drive. CodeHS Google Workspace Domain: codehs.com
- If you are using Google Classroom or Google SSO to login to CodeHS, you may need to request that your IT Administrator complete the steps outlined here.
- Note: This is a change to our recommended text-based IDE. See this FAQ for more information.
- p5.js: https://editor.p5js.org/
- Trinket: https://trinket.io/
- See this FAQ doc
A fuller overview of our coding platform with system requirements can be found in HQ and in our Tech Specs + System Requirements checklist.
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