If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Facilitator for a Girls Who Code Club, they must be 18 or older.
Individuals younger than 18 are welcomed and encouraged to take a leadership position in their Club under the supervision of a Facilitator who is 18 or older and has completed our application process. Many Clubs' meetings are led by older experienced students, with the Club's official Facilitator present at every meeting to supervise the group.
Please note: the Facilitator who is 18 years or older must be at every Club meeting, even if the Clubs meet virtually.
Due to Club member privacy concerns, HQ users under the age of 18 cannot be granted Facilitator accounts on the platform. Instead, the approved adult Facilitator can share with student leads any training and prep materials found in the Facilitator Toolkit. Instructions for sharing and printing these pages are available in the “Preparing”, “Running” and “Resources” sections of the Facilitator Toolkit.
If you have any additional questions about student leadership roles, you can email us at clubs@girlswhocode.com
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