Once registered on HQ, approved Club Facilitators can check out the Facilitator Toolkit section to find resources such as multilingual flyers and posters, an info session slide deck, and digital brand assets to help support recruitment for your Club.
Some recruitment strategies we've heard from successful Clubs include:
- Working with your host organization to print and put up Girls Who Code posters that detail the time and place of your expected meetings and to let them know when the first meeting will be
- Reaching out to your host organization's parent mailing lists (with approval from your host organization) to share our informational flyer, and/or advertise about an upcoming info session that you will be hosting to talk about Girls Who Code and Clubs
- Posting on social media that you will be starting a Club, and have a call-to-action for parents to reach out to you if they feel like the program would be a good fit for their student
- Creating an online sign-up form, such as with Google Doc Forms, to gather interest from parents and/or students and reach back out to them when you're ready to start the Club
Each community and your respective host organization is unique! We love to hear about what strategies your Club is taking, so we can share them with new and/or prospective Facilitators. Let us know what works for you at clubs@girlswhocode.com
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